Lisa Lodwick Award Lisa Lodwick TRAC Conference Best Poster Competition Award In memory of our friend and colleague Lisa Lodwick, 1988 – 2022 A Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference award for the best poster presented at TRAC to be awarded in honour of Dr Lisa Lodwick On the 3rd of November 2022, the archaeological community lost one of its brightest stars. Dr Lisa Lodwick (1988-2022) had shaped the world of theoretical Roman archaeology for many years. Lisa joined the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Standing Committee in 2014. Ever the advocate for accessibility, diversity and inclusion, Lisa developed TRAJ, the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal – 41 fully open-access research articles and five editorials later we cannot thank her enough for determination. Even after Lisa had left TRAC and focussed her contribution on TRAJ, she supported the committee at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 in establishing a webinar series, keeping the community spirit alive during a period without in-person conferences. Lisa was passionate about archaeology and plant remains as evidence of crop husbandry practices in particular. Her enthusiasm and extensive knowledge was equally awe-inspiring and infectious. Lisa was and still is a role model to the next generation of archaeologists, always pushing for more diversity and inclusion. Above all, Lisa was a generous and energetic colleague. Most of us at TRAC fondly remember Lisa’s commitment to collaboration, fostering a community spirit and an ethos of mutual support. With this legacy in mind, the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference Standing Committee created a prize to be awarded for the best poster at TRAC (starting in 2023). £100 is awarded for the best poster each year to honour Lisa’s relentless commitment towards supporting younger colleagues, especially those at the beginning of their academic journey. We thank all our donors for their generosity and support. To donate, follow the link here: Lisa Lodwick presenting her poster at a TRAC Conference 2024 Award Recipients Congratulations to our 2024 winners! – This section will be updated in due course. 2023 Award Recipients Dr Leticia Tobalina Pulido, ‘Archaeological data imperfection: A proposal for managing data challenges in the study of Roman settlement’ Leticia is a Postdoctoral Researcher at IncipitCSIC, Spain. Leticia’s work focuses on Roman settlement dynamics and pays particular attention to survey data and the issue of calibrating imperfect archaeological datasets. Many congratulations on the Award! Dr Goran Durdevic, ‘Multi-layers theory: Echo, echo and sound reflections in Greco – Roman world’ Goran received a PhD in 2021 from Capital Normal University Beijing where he now lectures. Goran’s work focuses on comparative mythology and the role of mirrors and reflections in Qin & Han dynasties and in Roman material culture.